Welcoming the newest member of your family and partnering with you as they grow

Infant Care


It’s essential that infant medical care is centered around attentiveness, compassion and in-depth knowledge of the specific health concerns that affect infants and children. In Chesterfield, Virginia, our Vital Care Family Care pediatricians are highly experienced in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of infants. From the common cold to colic and developmental issues, if you have concerns about your infant’s health, call us to schedule your consultation today.

Infant care offers many benefits, most importantly the knowledge and skill of a specialist trained in the unique and specific care of infants and children. Our providers will educate our pediatric parents about their infant’s growth. Well-baby exams are an important way to monitor your baby’s growth and development and check for serious problems. These regular checkups also provide an opportunity to develop a relationship with your baby’s doctor.


During this first year of life, our pediatricians will note important metrics of your baby, including their length, weight, and head circumference. In addition, infant wellness checks are great times to bring up any concerns or questions you may have, such as your baby’s sleeping and eating habits.

During your baby’s infant wellness checks, we will also ensure that they are up-to-date on their immunization schedule. Immunizations begin at 2 months for babies and continue throughout childhood. Vaccinations are essential for protecting your child against a wide variety of diseases, such as measles, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).

Infant care involves the medical care of infants and children and is focused on the wellness and health complications commonly associated with infants. Infant care is also centered around child growth and development.

Babies and infants develop quickly. Our pediatric specialists stay up to date with every infant they treat, giving each child individualized comprehensive care. Every infant responds differently to medications, the environment, and illness, depending on a number of factors including age, general health, and medical and family history. VitalCare Family Practice pediatricians offer a variety of effective screening and testing methods, immunizations, and treatments to keep infants healthy throughout development.


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages all expectant families to visit with a pediatrician during the third trimester of pregnancy as an important first step in establishing a supportive and comfortable medical home for their child. 

We encourage you to schedule a prenatal consultation with our pediatrician to ensure you have all of the pediatric resources you need.

Prenatal consultation is particularly valuable for first pregnancies, parents who are new to the practice or new to the area, single parents and families with high-risk pregnancies, pregnancy complications, or multiple gestations.

Infant Care Prenatal